Mie Goreng rasa Sambal Terasi Burung Layang Terbang (Fried Noodle with Belacan Flavor)

Sale price $1.50 Regular price $2.50

Mie Goreng Rasa Sambal Terasi terbuat dari bahan berkualitas sehingga tekstur mie sangat lembut dan kenyal. Pas untuk disajikan bersama sayuran pelengkap. Bagi penggemar terasi dan mie goreng, anda telah menemukan paduan yang cocok.

Fried Noodles with Sambal Terasi Flavor are made from quality ingredients so that the texture of the noodles is very soft and chewy. Perfect to serve with complementary vegetables. For fans of shrimp paste and fried noodles, you've found the right mix.

There are not shortage of praises around the internet from people who have tried it. You have got to try it yourself to see if it's worth the hype.

Net Weight: 80 grams

Ingredients: See picture